
Blog #10

  I will use data collection (survey) tools as a teacher I believe with parents. I intend to work with younger children in Kindergarten so it would be difficult for them to take surveys. However, as a teacher I will want to make the at-home process with homework and school in general run as smoothly as possible with parents. I believe surveys will be an easy way to get responses and opinions from parents on certain topics.  Topics I found most interesting from reviewing my classmates’ blogs were specifically in blog #8 when each of my classmates spoke about what they found most interesting during this semester. I found it interesting to see how everyone has different interests when it comes to technology. I also loved reading how many of us had used a lot of this technology or skills in the past but this class has allowed them to realize a new way of using a certain platform. I enjoyed using many different platforms that I had used in the past but learning a whole new way of using them

Classroom rules



  I did experience distance learning throughout my sophomore and junior year of high school. I did not enjoy distance learning and found it to be completely useless. Teachers are unable to make sure you are on task and many students just end up cheating because they can, which results in not learning anything. It is also very hard to stay engaged when you are online as looking at a computer screen all day can get extremely tiring. As a teacher I would make sure that the lessons I teach are extremely engaging in order to keep my students alert and engaged.  Open educational resources (OER) are resources that anyone has access to. They do not have copyright or anything like that, which means you can use these resources in your classroom with no problem. There are 5 rights associated with these resources and they are Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, and Redistribute. This article focused on the expenses that come with being

Blog #8

  While working on this assignment, I acquired many new skills. Before this class I had never focused on many design- related assignments but I have enjoyed all of them. This one specifically had so many different aspects and elements that we had to cover in order to get a high pass. I learned how to maneuver around a new website and all of the different aspects it had to offer such as implementing my own photos, and the different fonts and links you could add to the website. Before this class I had never heard of Diigo. I have enjoyed working on that platform and find it to be interactive. This website is useful for classrooms, team members, and for individual efforts because it can be used as a form of communication. Each member can make their own posts as well as comment on others. It is a fun platform.  Technology and teacher professional development go hand in hand. It is very important that technology in the classroom develops as technology devel

Blog #7

  A lot of the public class pages contain information about teachers' education and their passions. They write about what school they attended and what they intended to study versus what they actually studied. They also write about the role they play within the school and how long they’ve been working there. Each of these class pages gives a little insight into each teacher's life.   I do envision myself using technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities in a more efficient and effective way. Technology is extremely convenient and so commonly used in being able to share information with students as well as parents. Some specific teacher productivity tools that I enjoy using are blackboard and remind101. However, I will always have to take into consideration that not all students have access to these technology tools.  I enjoyed working on canvas for a

Blog #6

  Before this class I had never heard of Diigo. I found it to be an interesting website. I believe at times the website can be a little confusing and unorganized. However, overall, I like how the website is interactive and different compared to other websites I've used.  Blogging is one of my favorite assignments that we have been doing throughout this class. I’ve enjoyed all the blogs we’ve done and found it to be an interesting way to do assignments. There is nothing that I don’t like about the blogging that we’ve done. I have learned about new ways to present information through a blog and how it is different compared to just writing an informative essay.  An interesting web 2.0 tool that I might use in my class is Microsoft teams. I have used this tool myself in classes throughout the year and find that it is an efficient way to communicate. Through microsoft teams you can communicate by writing posts as well as sending out photos. You can also use zoom through microsoft teams

Blog #5

  I have interacted with many different education platforms on Twitter. I have found that each of the present interesting information on different educational topics. These accounts have allowed me to stay more informed within the education community. I believe twitter will be useful in my future career with being able to communicate with other teachers about what they are doing in their classrooms. I believe collaboration is a big part of what makes educators successful in their fields.  I believe that the digital divide does pose a problem within schools and creates a huge disparity between students. The main cause of the digital divide is the lack of resources students have due to income. Many students may not be able to afford a laptop or have internet in their homes which holds them back when they are required to do online assignments. This will certainly influence my future teaching strategies because I will always have an alternative for students that do not have access to any o