Blog #10

 I will use data collection (survey) tools as a teacher I believe with parents. I intend to work with younger children in Kindergarten so it would be difficult for them to take surveys. However, as a teacher I will want to make the at-home process with homework and school in general run as smoothly as possible with parents. I believe surveys will be an easy way to get responses and opinions from parents on certain topics. 

Topics I found most interesting from reviewing my classmates’ blogs were specifically in blog #8 when each of my classmates spoke about what they found most interesting during this semester. I found it interesting to see how everyone has different interests when it comes to technology. I also loved reading how many of us had used a lot of this technology or skills in the past but this class has allowed them to realize a new way of using a certain platform. I enjoyed using many different platforms that I had used in the past but learning a whole new way of using them. 

The next technology-related skill I would like to learn is more about audio and video editing. I have always found this topic to be extremely interesting but I am not any good at it. I believe you can change so much about something by just adjusting the audio or adding some visuals. I will achieve this goal by maybe looking up some videos with specific examples or possibly taking another technology class geared towards that specifically. 


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