Blog #5

 I have interacted with many different education platforms on Twitter. I have found that each of the present interesting information on different educational topics. These accounts have allowed me to stay more informed within the education community. I believe twitter will be useful in my future career with being able to communicate with other teachers about what they are doing in their classrooms. I believe collaboration is a big part of what makes educators successful in their fields. 

I believe that the digital divide does pose a problem within schools and creates a huge disparity between students. The main cause of the digital divide is the lack of resources students have due to income. Many students may not be able to afford a laptop or have internet in their homes which holds them back when they are required to do online assignments. This will certainly influence my future teaching strategies because I will always have an alternative for students that do not have access to any online sources. 

Two software tools that I will use in my future classroom are Kahoot and Quizziz. I have used both of these platforms growing up and have thoroughly enjoyed them. Both of these platforms are interactive and you can use it to study for any sort of exam in a fun way. They allow you to be competitive with your classmates and are very motivating because students tend to want to be in the top 3 winners. 


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